Men Too (2023) is a comedy film written and directed by Srikanth G Reddy and starring Naresh Agastya, Brahmaji, Harsha Chemudu, Sudharshan, and Riya Suman. The film's music is composed by Elisha Praveen G & Osho Venkat while cinematography is done by PC Mouli and edited by Karthik Vunnava.
Men Too Cast and Crew
Starcast | Naresh Agastya, Brahmaji, Harsha Chemudu, Sudharshan, Riya Suman and others |
Directed by | Srikanth G Reddy |
Written by | Srikanth G Reddy |
Produced by | Mourya Siddavaram |
Cinematography | PC Mouli |
Edited by | Karthik Vunnava |
Music by | Elisha Praveen G & Osho Venkat |
Release Date | 26 May 2023 |
Running Time | 1h 50m |